發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2024-12-17 Windows 11 Install WSL | error code: 0x800701bc | Hang / Stock with msg: This may take several minutes... (13) (0)
2024-12-13 How to Generate Self-Signed Certificate with SAN Certificate for AMI BIOS HTTPS BOOT (9) (0)
2024-12-13 Bind9 DNS Domain Name Pingable Config (0) (0)
2024-11-26 How to Install or upgrade to "latest-Kernel 6.x" / "archived-Kernel 6.y" on CentOS Stream 9 / 8 (20) (0)
2024-11-01 AMI USB0 under Windows (4) (0)
2024-10-08 Install ipmitool with source of github under CentOS Stream/RHEL (10) (0)
2024-08-30 After CentOS EOL switch to Vault or Fedora Project EL (5) (0)
2024-08-06 kernel: sfc : ERROR: PTP requires MSI-X and 1 additional | Ubuntu | RHEL | CentOS (11) (0)
2024-08-01 LSA LSI® Storage Authority Software x CentOS Stream 9 啟動失敗 解決辦法 Solution of start success (23) (0)
2024-07-08 Restore BMC to default setting. MegaRAC AMI (32) (0)
2024-06-06 Linux Serial Console 設置的方法 systemd(systemctl) 跟 grub 的差異 (374) (0)
2024-05-30 CentOS 7 8 / Stream 8 9 調整 grub default 預設開機選項 (67) (0)
2024-05-07 Linux RADVD 設定筆記 | DHCP IPv6 (247) (0)
2024-03-27 VW T4 前期 中框破損 空調面板 控制器固定 | 束帶技法 | TTTT (29) (0)
2024-03-27 VW T4 前期 短軸 手排 2.0 記事 | TTTT (312) (0)
2024-03-06 "懸雍垂軟顎咽整型" UPPP + "鼻中隔及鼻甲手術" R+T 手術後恢復紀錄 (67) (0)
2024-03-05 Windows 無密碼 免登入 存取 Samba 失敗 "You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access" (6) (0)
2024-01-10 Estimate Test Management Tool/Cloud Tool | qTest,Testmo,Jama,TestRail (10) (0)
2024-01-08 Temp solution: Windows Server : No Remote Desktop License Servers Available (7) (0)
2023-11-23 CentOS Stream 8 Kickstart Installation on Server Random Configuration, Install target to unkown first local drive(sdx/nvme/MegaRAID/Intel RAID) | Server Platform (18) (0)
2023-11-23 Ubuntu Netplan Set Redfish inband NIC with Random Name as static IP | BMC usb0 (10) (0)
2023-11-08 Ubuntu Automatic installation - Autoinstall instead of kickstart (11) (0)
2023-09-08 Solve The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. (14) (0)
2023-08-15 Setup a Simple FTP with vsftpd and prevent login user jail to system folder under Linux (0) (0)
2023-05-04 Linux OS with iPXE to chain load / imgexec load WDS (162) (0)
2023-04-27 Curl 搭配 jq 處理Redfish資料,取得特定欄位的方法 (257) (0)
2023-04-24 How to Configure Rsyslog Server in CentOS/RHEL 8 (484) (0)
2023-03-31 大型重機 定期檢驗 民間代驗廠 / 監理所 / 監理站 驗車經驗與紀錄 (1133) (0)
2023-03-09 Linux Shell / Bash Shell Script 儲存 stdout / stderr 並 同時顯示在 terminal畫面上 且 command $? 符合預期 (304) (0)
2023-03-08 Ubuntu Upgrade Kernel (34) (0)
2023-02-08 Setup a Simple Useful RADIUS Service for APC / AMI WebUI under CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 (117) (0)
2023-01-19 Power Button / Soft Power Off / Chassis Power Soft no work under CentOS 7.xx (58) (0)
2023-01-13 Bash Script | Shell Script | How to run command by the variable contain echo. (39) (0)
2023-01-10 LSA black screen | LSI Storage Authority (LSA) shows blank screen under Linux OS (CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu) (248) (0)
2023-01-10 [仕事] 低能 BIOS can't identify EFI bootable Windows USB flash issue. (18) (0)
2023-01-10 Linux Kernel Report tpm0: tpm_try_transmit: send(): error under Linux (e.g. CentOS, Ubuntu) (152) (0)
2022-12-22 RADIUS Service setting v.s. AMI Codebase BMC with HTML5 (68) (0)
2022-12-08 Converting YUM repo media from CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream 8 (14) (0)
2022-12-01 轉編譯RPM to DEB by alien x 嗚邦兔小姿勢 x Ubuntu Using Tips (20) (0)
2022-11-10 [仕事] Switch/Nic Ethernet 100M Auto Negotiation and Windows 1G 100M Performance with iPerf Testing Issue (136) (0)
2022-08-16 Linux OS底下透過USB NIC跟Redfish溝通的IP ; OpenBMC底下,常見的Redfish介面curl命令 (1435) (0)
2022-07-27 Check System PCIE Information (Slot Order, Gen Speed) under Linux OS (444) (0)
2022-06-06 Build git Server Under Ubuntu Server 20.04 (399) (0)
2022-06-02 Install Jenkins with Custom Jenkins Home Directory under Ubuntu Server 20.04 (182) (0)
2022-01-14 Geometry Issue: GSX-R 600 Upgrade Fork Options K6 K7 K8 K9 L0 L1 - L9 前叉升級的選擇 (571) (0)
2022-01-05 Shell Script (Bash) Split Variable with "String containing spaces" into Array 將"變數"內容切字串,變成"陣列形式", (253) (0)
2021-12-30 How to set OpenBMC to link with Windows AD Server and set link with CA Certificate (425) (4)
2021-12-13 Create a LDAP Service with POSIX environment integration under Ubuntu & Test LDAP under OpenBMC & LDAP over TLS / Certificate (171) (0)
2021-12-10 BMC筱姿勢 - SSHSOL / IPMI SOL (577) (0)
2021-09-25 X-MAX 300 智慧鑰匙遺失或遭竊,解決方案。 買中古車,遇到換過智慧鑰匙坐墊鎖頭會有疑慮嗎? (1768) (0)
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