目前分類:WorkThing (7)

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Pricing 僅供參考:

qTest: 功能相當多,介面好用,TC Library可集中化管理(Real Centralized),但是太貴

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Remote session disconnected no remote desktop license servers available:
Msg: "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license."

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Remote session disconnected no remote desktop license servers available:
Msg: "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license."

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工作上需要寫script 應付 短期/客製化 的驗證

由於需要簡單快速 撰寫一個script來跑東西


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比較資深的Windows (Windows 7)用戶,應該知道當初微軟出了一款軟體


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1. Ethernet 100M Auto Negotiation:

若原生網卡是1G/10G降速到100M Full或只設定Switch,其中一端僅設定100M Full Duplex

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