
Remote session disconnected no remote desktop license servers available:
Msg: "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license."

Tips: Because of with Admin User:  Administrator, also had this issue. Win+R then input: mstsc /admin. Force to connect RDP.
1. Open Registry Editor
2. Export to backup "Store": Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing\Store
2. Delete the "Store"
3. Export to backup "GracePeriod" : Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod
4. Delete the "GracePeriod"
If OS is Windows Server 2012 R2 or later: If have permission issue (can't set Administrators as Full Control), download PSTools to get psexec.
Run command by "psexec -i -d -s C:\windows\regedit.exe" to delete.
5. Open Service, select "Remote Desktop Services" and choose restart it.

Trouble Shooting: If has been input license and restart "Remote Desktop Services", but still pop-up the Msg. 
Do the steps as above will fix it.
E.g.: Under Server 2016, I input the license but it is "Per Device". After restart "Remote Desktop Services" but still meet the Msg.
I set it full convert to "Per User", but still meet the Msg after restarted "Remote Desktop Services".
Then I did the steps as above, then restat "Remote Desktop Services". Now, we can success connect RDP.

    創作者 吾給力 的頭像


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