iSCSI Service Setup under Windows Server
- Windows Server O.S.( Using Windows Server 2012 R2, IP: as example )
- Another Windows System. ( Using Windows 7, IP:192.168.0.xxx(DHCP))
- Setting Steps
- Launch ‘Server Manager’ →Click ‘Manage’ on right-up corner→Choose ‘Add Roles and Features’.
開啟‘Server Manager’ →右上角點選’Manage’→選擇‘Add Roles and Features’。
- At window of "Before You Begin","Installation Type", "Server Selection"
, just click "Next" to go next step.
視窗畫面中"Before You Begin","Installation Type", "Server Selection",此三個階段直接選下一步
- At "Server Roles", expand "File And Storage Services > File and iSCSI Services".
And check "iSCSI Target Server", then click "Next"
Server Roles這邊點開File And Storage Services 以及 File and iSCSI Services,選取iSCSI Target Server,接著點選下一步
- At window of "Features", just click "Next" to go next step.
Then click Install.
- After installation, back to ‘Server Manager’. And choose File and Storage Services -> iSCSI
安裝完成後,回到Server Manager。點選choose File and Storage Services -> iSCSI
- Click ‘Task’ ->’ New iSCSI Virtual Disk…’
點選‘Task’ ->’ New iSCSI Virtual Disk…’
- Choose the storage location then click next.
- Typing the virtual disk name. Then click Next
- Typing the virtual disk volume size. Then click Next
- Choose the ‘New iSCSI target’. Then click Next
- Typing the Target Name. Then click Next
- Setting the Access Servers. Click ‘Add’ and choose ‘Enter a value for the selected type’, and fill in value as “*”. Then click OK, and Next.
點選新增→選擇Enter a value for the selected type,Value欄位內輸入*→選OK→下一步
(i).這邊跟網路上許多中文資料,皆未詳細解釋的部分,Access Servers這邊指的是允許哪些機器來使用這個iSCSI上的磁碟。因此這邊增加的過濾條件,會影響iSCSI能不能夠被存取
(ii).以Windows上的功能,存取條件類型(type)有四種(IQN, DNS Name, IP Address, MAC Address);測試上實務運用LAN iSCSI Boot所使用的條件,可由其中三種(IQN, IP Address, MAC Address)進行權限設置。
PS: 切勿設定成Local Host的IP。這樣會造成只有本機端可以使用這個iSCSI Storage的愚蠢行為.
- At window of "Enable authentication", just click "Next" to go next step.
視窗畫面中"Enable authentication",直接選下一步
- At window of ”Confirmation”, click Create
- Verify the iSCSI (Use Windows 7 as example)
- Press Windows Key, typing iSCSI, and launch this program.
- Typing the Target value as the IP, which system provide iSCSI Service. Then click ‘Quick Connect’.
輸入有提供iSCSI Service機器的IP,按下Quick Connect.
- Go to Page of “Volumes and Devices”, click “Auto Configure” to mount the allowable devices.
- Go to Page of “Volumes and Devices”, click “Auto Configure” to mount the allowable devices.
原先也沒想會做一份完整的紀錄,參考其他網站或前輩寫的設定過程,設定Access Servers過程中,因為吸收到錯誤觀念,設置了錯誤的設定,導致無法成功提供這個服務連線